©unitpro 2016~2017
Although modern mobile devices such as phones have excellent web browsers able to
view any website, a mobile-optimized website should not require zooming to view the
text. So typically this means the main content would be a single column, in a larger point
size to be readable at a glance on a phone. Mobile websites often have reduced content,
and are navigable with single finger operation to scroll and navigate.
What is RWD?
So Responsive Web Design is a technique that means
your websites respond dynamically to the screen size.
Instead of having two separate websites, that is two
separate HTML pages, you instead have one web page
that can vary its layout, depending on screen size (and
resolution) of the device being used to view the
website.Modern web browsers support many advanced
HTML5 and CSS3 effects, allowing much more dynamic
and visually exciting websites to be created.
Supersites use these effects to allow you to add
dynamic animated page transitions and display options
to your webpages as a user clicks through the
navigation on your website.
Mobile configruation 480
pixels wide
For each variant you produce
you can customize the layout
as much as you want. You can
resize and reposition
elements on the page and
these remain shared between
the variants. Edit the text for
the narrow mobile variant
and the text is updated for
the other variants. You can
also choose to update the
Text Style of a variant and
have the changes apply to
that variant only.
Tablet configuration 640
pixels wide
The important thing is that
the content - that is the text,
the pictures, the graphics and
color schemes, are shared
between all the variants. The
second important point is
that the multiple layout
variants for each page are not
separate HTML files, but are
all part of one HTML file, that
can dynamically and instantly
change from one layout to
another depending on the
browser width.
PC configuration 960 +
pixels wide
Traditionally creating RWD
sites can involve complex
Javascript programming. But
since Web Designer Premium
is a 'zero programming'
designer focused tool, the
user still has all the power of
freeform layout, 'anything
anywhere' web design - and
can also create multiple
variants of the same website.
You can create one variant
designed for narrow screen
mobile devices, perhaps
another layout for
intermediate small screen
tablets, and another variant
for a traditional wide screen
With the increasing use of mobile devices for internet access
there is an increasing demand for website design tailored to
mobile and tablet screen formats as well as PC’s - Unitpro is
an example of this demand.